the DISPLAY section

The display-section lets you turn on or off aspects of the graph such as segment borders, cursor lines, event markers etc.  and apply signal filters before display.  All options are specific to the currently active variable (as selected in the navigation-section), and can be chosen differently for each variable available. The 'set all / set one' -button in the lower right corner lets you choose to set options for all signals at a time or only the currently active signal

the 'set all / set one' - button
the caption of this button denotes the way changes in display options are applied: to all signals or to only the currently active signal. Pushing this button will toggle the apply-state from 'set al' to 'set one' and back.

the baseline checkbox and it's  'b.start'- and 'b.end' edit fields (ANS data files only)
the checkbox enables/disables the calculation of a baseline, the b.start and b.end fields specify the begin- and endtime of the baseline calculation, measured in milliseconds from the beginning of the file.

the 'segments'-checkbox
this options decides wether segments defined with 'find peak' or 'redefine segments' are displayed as transparent blue surfaces.

the 'events'-checkbox

activates/deactivates drawing of markers on raw signals at locations of event samples (available for raw signals only)

the 'event#'-checkbox

activates/deactivates numbering of event markers (available for raw signals only)

the 'samples'-checkbox

activates/deactivates highlighting sample points with a small circle

the 'cursor'-checkbox

activates/deactivates drawing of a blue cursor line at the cursor time  (if fixed,  in the middle of the displayed window).

the 'title'-checkbox

activates/deactivates display of the signal title

the 'grid'-checkbox
activates/deactivates display of a grid background in the axis

the 'high pass'-checkbox
activates/deactivates a high pass filter, that is applied to the data just before display (the stored signal is not changed, only the displayed waveform)

the 'low pass'-checkbox
activates/deactivates a low pass filter, that is applied to the data just before display (the stored signal is not changed, only the displayed waveform) 

the 'differentiation'-checkbox
activates/deactivates displaying the signal as difference-scores between adjacent elements (available for event signals only)

the 'notch'-checkbox
activates/deactivates a notch filter, that is applied to the data just before display (the stored signal is not changed, only the displayed waveform) (available for raw signals only)

the 'xtick'-checkbox
activates/deactivates display of xtick marks and xtick  labels on the axis

the 'ytick'-checkbox
activates/deactivates display of ytick marks and ytick  labels on the axis

the 'xlabel'-checkbox
activates/deactivates display of an x-axis-title

the 'ylabel'-checkbox
activates/deactivates display of an y-axis-title

the 'fft'-checkbox
activates/deactivates display of the power frequency spectrum of the signal .

the 'psd'-checkbox
activates/deactivates display of the power spectral density of the signal.

the 'rsa-bands'-checkbox
activates/deactivates coloured display of low, middle and high frequency bands related to respiratory sinus arrhythmia.

the 'trend'-checkbox
activates/deactivates display of a general trend in the data

the 'detrend'-checkbox
activates/deactivates subtraction of the displayed trend from the data