file menu

recent files:

the recent files menuitem keep track of recently used data- , batch- , interval- and settingsfiles, to simplify reusing and reloading often needed files.  Moreover, recently used study folders can be selected.


Allows you to use existing timing files as 'overlay' over the data (allows you edit or view data only in intervals that are relevant for the analysis)


you can save and save segments to  and load segments  from any timing file. Intervals to save are taken from the currently loaded data and may have been created using the interval wizard or by mouse click. 

setting files:

(under construction)


the batch menu item expands to the submenu:

load batchfile: use this command to select a textfile, containing the paths of your data files with one path per line. Paths must be absolute and exact ( e.g C:\mydata\tex\raw\TEX00101.ACQ ). If successful, anslab displays a confirmation dialog with the number of valid filepaths found in the file.
show batch: displays the currently loaded batch.
create batchfile: batchfiles are needed at various occasions when working with anslab. You can create them by hand using any text-editor you like, but this is a lot of tedious work and prone to typing errors. You can speed up the process by using the 'create batchfile'-command which lets you enter a search filter string (e.g.:<<  *.txt >>,  if you wish to look only for textfiles) and choose a folder to search in. Optionally you can choose to search subfolders of the start folder. The filepaths of the files found are printed in the matlab command window and written to a textfile.
create n-groups batchfile:  same as above, except that multiple filters can be specified the create a batchfile that contains several subgroups of files (needed for statistical analysis, averaging and other tools).
check subject file existence: scans the subfolders of a study folder for analysis results corresponding a filematrix of raw data files and writes a report in a textfile. Use this tool to verify, that analysis results exist for all subjects, files and channels.
check subject condition: sets: this tool analyzes a loaded filematrix for completeness: for every subject found, condition averages are counted and listed, allowing you to verify that all conditions exist for all subjects in your filematrix.

export: use the export menu to export traces to a text- or mat-file.


signal list:   use the signal list menu to delete, duplicate or rename traces.

file list:   use the signal list menu to delete, duplicate or rename traces.