batch processing

Most analysis types in anslab can be run noninteractively in batch mode for an arbitrary number of files. This is especially useful for channels, that don't require heavy editing, like emg, accelerometer, temperature and marker. Other analysis types can also be automatized, but very likely need to be checked afterwards. Anslab offers a fully automatized batch mode, that does not show what it is doing, and a semi-automatized mode, that gives you full control of editing features, but saves you a few loading dialogs. Both types are described below:

Fully automatized batch processing:  this type of batch processing is run from the 'batch'-tab in the dynamic section of anslab command window.  A number of checkboxes can be activated for the corresponding anaylsis types. These analysis types are run for every file in the batch, you cannot choose to run a specific set for every file.
The list of files to process can be specified in two alternative ways:  either using a text-file containing the paths of all files to be processed with one path per line ( the filematrix option ) or using a specified range of subject numbers, file numbers and segment numbers to  look for. For the former option, create and load a filematrix using the create batchfile and load filematrix - commands. For the latter, anslab will deduce the paths of the files automatically (raw files must be located in the 'raw'-subfolder of the study-folder ) and work them off. If a file is not found in the location specified, anslab continues with the next file in line.


Semi-automatized batch processing: this type of batch processing is run like manual processing, except that a filematrix (batchfile) must be loaded beforehand and that instead of using the open data file(s) - button, the next - button is used for starting the  analysis. You are prompted to select a type of batch processing with the dialog shown below:

This refers to wether you are processing files as multiple segments or as entity. If you choose Segments, anslab reads the associated timing file and processes the next segment of the file, when you hit the next button. Only if all segments have been processed, anslab jumps to the next file. If you choose Files, anslab jumps directly to the next file in the batch. Note that during the analysis of a file, you still have to use the resume-button to advance in the processing steps, just like during manual analysis.  You can navigate through the files or segments, e.g. after changing settings in the options dialog or for skipping bad data files/segments,  using the jump- and  back-button in the dynamic section of anslab command window. You can also jump to specific file/segments by entering a number in the edit-box on the right of these buttons. Wether files or segments will be jumped is set using the files/segments-dropdownlist.
To make processing even faster, the red-colored button on the command window (the default command at a certain point of the analysis) can also be selected by hittin the "." (period) button on the keyboard.